e-bok 10 jan 2013, A paperless person is not a criminal + 2 minuters film om papperslösa i EU

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Titta gärna på den lilla filmen 2 minuter! http://vimeo.com/50562290 /anne  
Journalist Kaisa Viitanen and photographer Katja Tähjä are bringing out the English language edition of Undocumented Lives, their award-winning book already published in Finland, as an e-book.  
“Paperless people are not criminals

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. They deserve the same human rights as any other citizen of the EU member states

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. This is an undertaking given by all the member countries in their numerous agreements,” Viitanen and Tähjä remind us.  
The English edition can be purchased for iPad in iBookStore (12,50 €), http://www.itunes.undocumentedlives.com 
Visit also: http://www.undocumentedlives.com and have look at a video about Undocumented Lives at http://vimeo.com/50562290  
Additional information and press photos: http://www.undocumentedlives.com 
Katja Tähjä, t. +358 (0)50 3604331 (Finland), ktahja@gmail.com 
Kaisa Viitanen, t. +31 6 8419 3982 (the Netherlands), +358 400 408503 (Finland), kaisaxviitanen@gmail.com